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Monday, April 19, 2010

9 Savvy Christian Woman Entrepreneurs collaborate to empower women via Telesummit

Women are encouraged to step up and catapult their personal,spiritual and
business growth via The Empowered Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit

April 19, 2010


Imagine receiving insight from 9 savvy experts in various fields that will catapult your personal, spiritual and business growth from the comfort of their home. The information shared is valued at hundreds and more, however, you won't pay that. The cost of this empowering event is FREE! Discover insider tips and strategies without the hype.

Why free? Robin Tramble the host of this event is passionate about empowering women to discover their authentic self, get unstuck and live a big, bold, beautiful and deliciously authentic life!

The Empowered Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit will include topics on business success, social media, life balance, health and fitness, empowerment,
military moms success, Parents and their teens and overcoming challenges.

Our featured speakers include:

Robin Tramble
Maruxa Murphy
Pam Perry
Lynne Lee
Sue Miley
Lynnis Woods-Mullins
Nickcole Byrd
Nishaline Hines
Lori Bell

We invite you to take advantage of this empowering event. Your life will be enriched and your personal, spiritual and business growth will be catapulted!

Of course we encourage you to make all of the calls, however, you will have access to the replay for a limited time. If you desire to secure a permanent copy for your collection you will be given an opportunity to do so. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

The Empowered Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit is sponsored by Robin Tramble Authentic life Empowerment International and The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs.

Register now at

We look forward to having you join us!

This event will fill so reserve your spot now at

Friday, April 2, 2010

Celebrating Easter - Original lyrics Tis the world's greatest love story as written by Robin Tramble

I wrote this song around 1989 and in celebration of this great
Holiday Easter where we as Christians celebrate the resurrection
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I'm sharing the lyrics.

Tis the world's greatest love story

By Robin Tramble

Once and today there's a man named Jesus
Who more than proved His love for me
He came down in a fleshly body conquered sin
So that we may all be free

No He didn't stop there
He gave His life
Said He's gonna come again
To receive me as His bride

Tis' the world's greatest love story
Wrote just for me
Tis' the world's greatest love story
Wrote just for me

Yes He will come
and we'll live happily

Jesus is still with me, I can feel Him by my side
I will forever follow
As He leads and guides
Yes I know He cares, for He gave His life
Said He's gonna come again
to receive me as His bride

Tis the world's greatest love story
Wrote just for me
Tis the world's greatest love story
Wrote just for me
And yes He will come and we'll live happily

(c) 1989 Robin Tramble for Trambleco Music Publishing
All rights reserved

He loves you so much. Greater love hath no man than to lay
down His life for a friend. They didn't take His life, He
laid it down.

Thank you Lord!

I'd love to read your comments

My husband and I share our gift of Music and songwriting

Friday, March 19, 2010

Easter Celebration (Resurrection Sunday) No greater love!

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

When you think of love what comes to mind? What emotions do you experience?
Based on your history with this area you may become anxious, discouraged,
experience discomfort or you may experience joy, a sense of peace etc.

If you're reading this and you haven't experienced the love of my Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ, I want to introduce you to a great love, excuse me the
greatest love.

In Corinthians the 13th chapter we read that love believeth all things,
hopeth all things, love never fails. This describes our Lord and yet it
is an example of how we should love.

The only way this is possible is to receive God's love.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever
believeth on Hiim should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

There is no GREATER love!

As we draw closer to the Easter Holiday think on the love of Jesus our Lord.
Go the extra mile to show love in your relationships.

Let this be the most beautiful celebration ever in memory of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's love. There is truly no greater love.

Would you like to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
All you need to do is confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be
saved. Saved from what? Saved from your sins. Jesus died for the
remission of sins.

Say this: Father God I know that I am a sinner. I confess with my
mouth and believe in my heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead.
Forgive me of my sins. I thank you that I am now saved.

Congratulations you are saved! Please contact me for further information
about receiving the gift to the believer "Holy Spirit."
Contact me today.

Happy Easter (Resurrection Sunday) !

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Breakthrough your limiting beliefs to personal, spiritual and business empowerment!

What's holding you back from realizing your best empowered delicious life?

Do you feel like you're stuck and life is passing you by?

One of the things that sabotages many women's success are
limiting beliefs.

I often share on the power of the tongue and our thoughts.
The subconscious mind is waiting and ready to move on whatever
we think, speak and ultimately how we represent.

The bible even says "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.
" How many thoughts have you unconsciously held about your life?
What are your thoughts about money?

Do you say things such as "I don't deserve to have money"
"The love of money is evil" "Money doesn't go on trees"
"I'll never have enough money are any of these thoughts or
beliefs that you share? Where did they come from? By the way the correct
statement is "The love of money is the root of all evil"

Or maye yours sounds something like "You must work hard if you want to
have anything" "I'll never succeed at this, I've already tried and
never get it right"

Have you ever been told that "you'll never get it right!" If so what
did you do with that? Are you still bound to that statement? Are you
actually acting that out?

It's time for breakthrough!

If you want to realize exponential growth you must, and I repeat
must arise and discover where you are, how you got there and where you
want to go. You then want to discover what you need to get where you
want to go and shine!

For this you need an accountability measure such as a coach or mentor.
You must make the choice to change your beliefs and replace them with
empowering beliefs and mindset shifts. Replace your old systems with
new effective systems and more.

Participants of the Breakthrough program will along with other great
content receive support in this area. They will experience a powerful
exercise to empower them to breakthrough their limiting beliefs to
personal, spiritual and business empowerment.

There's still time for you to secure your place by clicking here.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Moving in His power and receiving His promises

We have been on the Daniel's fast at our Church here in Sacramento, CA and one of the things our Pastor shared is that our word for this year is "Moving in His power and receiving His promises."

One thing Dr. Goudeaux said is that if we want to move in His power
we've got to do things differently and many aren't willing to do what
it takes to activate this power. We added to the fast
one week without Television and he took it up a step higher and
included no Christian Television.

I'm not one who is obsessed with the TV, however, my flesh had the
nerve to cry out duringthis fast. I said yes!!! This is exactly what
I need. Flesh you will not tell me what I will do I will
not watch Television right now. We started to turn the TV
on towards the end and our son asked "Why are you turning the TV on?"
Huh? Who moi?

We must continually put our flesh under, die to our flesh. Strengthen
the spirit man. We must not neglect our spiritual fitness. I need a
spiritual workout daily and am ready to Move in His power and receive
His promises! No not by sitting my blessed assurance in
front of the Television, eating like there's no tomorrow , letting my
flesh get out of control, but by practicing those things that we are
instructed to do in the word. One more thing we were also
to fast the internet. Now, some of our faces were a sight to see and
it was made clear that those of us who utilize the internet for business
or our jobs were allowed, however, I did refrain a bit
to once again allow my flesh to be put under.

These things come not but by fasting and praying. Yes, there was an increase in prayer 5 and 6 am for a week.

Praise God for His faithfulness. He loves us too much to see us remain the same.

Moving in His power and receiving His promises in 2010 and forever more!

As you're going through this journey you may find as a woman
entrepreneur that you need to be surrounded by women entrepreneurs
that share the same principles and values as you. I recommend
The Association of Christian women Entrepreneurs.
You can request your membership here

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs a solution for business empowerment - Connect now!

Where can Christian Women Entrepreneurs go to receive support, training, education, engaging affiliation, empowerment and connection to a vast resource bank of expertise and networking opportunities with women of like mind? The ACWE.

Jan 18, 2010 – The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs a
solution for Christian women seeking personal, business and spiritual
life empowerment, training, resources,networking and more from like-minded

"Robin Tramble announces prelaunch of The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs.
There has been a great concern from Christian women to receive training,
support and to glean from the expertise of Christian women who share the same principles and values as they do." Says Robin Tramble President of The ACWE.

The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs seeks to be the solution.

Where can Christian Women Entrepreneurs go to receive support, training,
education,engaging affiliation, empowerment and connection to a
vast resource bank of expertise and networking opportunities with women
of like mind?

ACWE is an organization created for the purpose of supporting, equipping, connecting,training and educating Christian women entrepreneurs. Providing an affiliation with experts from various fields who share the
same principles and values.

According to the Center for Women’s Business Research (CWBR)
in the United States alone, “there are 6.2 million
women owned firms employing 9.2 million people, generating sales of
$1.15 trillion” (WE, Inc.).

It is obvious that women are making their mark in the business world
and this is a growing trend.

ACWE's mission is to provide a venue that provides a resource bank
of tools, training, expertise, mentoring,networking,accountability and
more within a body of women that share the same values and principles.

The ACWE group serves as a gathering place for those interested in
learning more about the ACWE to receive information,updates, tips and
value added content via the discussions and wall posts.

Membership can be requested here
which is where the Association of Christian Women
Entrepreneurs is housed temporarily. The ACWE is also seeking expert
contributors who have extensive experience and success in their area
of expertise. There is also an opportunity for peer expert contributors.
Candidates do need to have experience and some level of success in their area of expertise. To inquire candidates need to submit their information to

There are plans for annual conferences and local chapters moving
forward. The ACWE is the place to be for Christian Women Entrepreneurs.

# # #

About Robin G. Tramble
Robin Tramble is founder and CEO of Robin Tramble International Life
Empowerment. A company created to support savvy women and woman
entrepreneurs across the world that want to attract prosperity
"Spirit, Soul and Body" by presenting your gifts from an authentic
self projection of empowerment, purpose and passion. "No hype...
simply the real deal." This is accomplished via Teleseminars,
live events, mentoring, coaching, her transformational programs, products and services.

Robin is also known as The Dynamite "Authentic Life" Empowerment Mentor, Coach,Trainer and Public speaker.She passionately empowers savvy women
and woman entrepreneurs to discover their authentic self, get unstuck and
live their best empowered life." She also has a background in Education, ministry,business and music. Robin is a great resource for empowerment as
she has accomplished sustained success and empowerment including 29 years
of marriage and raising four successful children.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Are you listening? She's calling out to you

I love those who love me and those who seek me early will find me.
Proverbs 8:17

This was one of the first verses I highlighted for the day and I began to reflect
back on raising my children, building my marriage, education, employment,
starting a business, ministry etc. and how much wisdom played a role in my
success. I simply smiled at her influence as I raised my children when I was
younger and didn’t know what I was doing all of the time.

I recalled when wisdom spoke out to me when supporting my daughter in
her early years of being diagnosed with MS and yes because of the wisdom
and being sensitive to Holy Spirit her life was saved as I intervened just
in the nick of time when the adversary was trying to instruct her on how
to commit suicide. Oh how I thank Father God for His wisdom. She was there
waiting and faithful to yield her beautiful influence with each of my children.
It wasn’t easy all of these 29 years of marriage, however, it was easier because I watched, listened for and sought wisdom.

My journey began early because my grandmother talked about her and
you may have heard me mention this before in other readings, however,
she made it sound like money! I was young what did I know? Well, she
is like money and more. I can lose everything and if I have wisdom I will
build it again. I’m speaking of the wisdom of God. On the other hand give
a man or woman for that matter a million dollars and if they have no
wisdom they will quickly come to nothing again. Yes, wisdom is the principal

I just want to share a few verses with you.

Now therefore listen to me, you sons; for blessed
(happy fortunate, to be envied)are those who keep my ways.

Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who listens to me watching
daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me
[wisdom] finds life and draws forth and obtains from the Lord
Proverbs 8:32,34

I encourage you as women, wives, moms, ministers, entrepreneurs,CEOs,
employees, students etc. to seek wisdom to listen and watch for her. She is
far more valuable than riches, gold and silver.

Are you listening? She’s calling out to you.

(c) 2010 Robin G. Tramble