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Friday, January 8, 2010

Are you listening? She's calling out to you

I love those who love me and those who seek me early will find me.
Proverbs 8:17

This was one of the first verses I highlighted for the day and I began to reflect
back on raising my children, building my marriage, education, employment,
starting a business, ministry etc. and how much wisdom played a role in my
success. I simply smiled at her influence as I raised my children when I was
younger and didn’t know what I was doing all of the time.

I recalled when wisdom spoke out to me when supporting my daughter in
her early years of being diagnosed with MS and yes because of the wisdom
and being sensitive to Holy Spirit her life was saved as I intervened just
in the nick of time when the adversary was trying to instruct her on how
to commit suicide. Oh how I thank Father God for His wisdom. She was there
waiting and faithful to yield her beautiful influence with each of my children.
It wasn’t easy all of these 29 years of marriage, however, it was easier because I watched, listened for and sought wisdom.

My journey began early because my grandmother talked about her and
you may have heard me mention this before in other readings, however,
she made it sound like money! I was young what did I know? Well, she
is like money and more. I can lose everything and if I have wisdom I will
build it again. I’m speaking of the wisdom of God. On the other hand give
a man or woman for that matter a million dollars and if they have no
wisdom they will quickly come to nothing again. Yes, wisdom is the principal

I just want to share a few verses with you.

Now therefore listen to me, you sons; for blessed
(happy fortunate, to be envied)are those who keep my ways.

Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who listens to me watching
daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me
[wisdom] finds life and draws forth and obtains from the Lord
Proverbs 8:32,34

I encourage you as women, wives, moms, ministers, entrepreneurs,CEOs,
employees, students etc. to seek wisdom to listen and watch for her. She is
far more valuable than riches, gold and silver.

Are you listening? She’s calling out to you.

(c) 2010 Robin G. Tramble


  1. You are so right about wisdom. My father reads a new chapter of Proverbs for everyday of the month. He repeats his cycle whenever he finds himself thirsting for God's wisdom. I haven't been able to do it everyday, but on the days that I do, I open up right to a word that I know God put there just for me. Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom in this post.

  2. Thanks. I actually encourage women in my networks including to read a proverbs per day. Start where you can and soon you'll find that you look forward to reading each day. I don't read anything until I read a proverbs. Stay in touch!
